Understand the key fundamentals factors.
Define the #1 goal:
Prototypes, proof of concepts, technologies.
Eco-system - from user, human behavior, ease of use, SW, GUI, HW, applications.
From anechoic chamber to reverberation room.
Learned the ITU documentation on DF.
understand the difference between wireless communication market and DF needs - they are - opposite each to the other.
Challenged ourselves in testing experiments toughest environments.
Hands-on thousands of hours in real world, field testing, checking, fixing, changing and testing.
key challenge: To provide true, reliable relative direction in indoor/urban highly reflective environments.
If what you see on the display DOES NOT correlate with what and where you see it with your eyes in reality - the system failed, users will not use it .
key challenge: To provide true, reliable relative direction in indoor/urban highly reflective environments.
If what you see on the display DOES NOT correlate with what and where you see it with your eyes in reality - the system failed, users will not use it .
key challenge: To provide true, reliable relative direction in indoor/urban highly reflective environments.
If what you see on the display DOES NOT correlate with what and where you see it with your eyes in reality - the system failed, users will not use it .
key challenge: To provide true, reliable relative direction in indoor/urban highly reflective environments.
If what you see on the display DOES NOT correlate with what and where you see it with your eyes in reality - the system failed, users will not use it .
HISEP development method:
Understand the key fundamentals factors.
Define the #1 goal:
Prototypes, proof of concepts, technologies.
Eco-system - from user, human behavior, ease of use, SW, GUI, HW, applications.
From anechoic chamber to reverberation room.
Learned the ITU documentation on DF.
understand the difference between wireless communication market and DF needs - they are - opposite each to the other.
Challenged ourselves in testing experiments toughest environments.
Hands-on thousands of hours in real world, field testing, checking, fixing, changing and testing.
Indoor/urban, short range.
overcome reflections/multipaths.
strong patents portfolio
While according to the ITU guidelines DF should be tested in a “RF sterile” & reflections—free area
“A system can be placed on an OATS, in an electromagnetically clean environment without (or reduced) reflections or structures that could provide scattering, resonances or re-radiation, and tested with strong signals. ”
“The environment of the DF and transmitting antennas should be free of reflecting obstacles and interferences”
“The accuracy of a DF system on site may be strongly influenced by these environmental conditions as well as the nature of the signal (signal strength, signal modulation including phase and time variant signals, signal duty cycle, signal polarization and signal duration), and the integration time of the DF ”
HISEP testing & experiments are done in highly RF reflective environments including reverberation room.
Example: Testing & analyzing - refresh rate Vs. walking pace:
Example: Testing & analyzing jittering phenomena that causes false location and false direction
Top view of field test at a mall
Map view of field test at a mall
Map view of field test at a mall
Map view of field test at a mall